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A Downtown Recovery Campaign

Bellevue is a diverse, growing city with a community that—now more than ever—is striving to support its own. In the last year, we’ve seen more than ever how the collaboration, compassion, and shared wisdom from the "people behind the place" matters. The strength of our human connections will continue to inspire the work of the BDA – it truly is what sets Downtown Bellevue apart. 

This campaign is designed to connect and promote local businesses while building vibrancy in Downtown Bellevue. We’re sharing stories of activity, creativity and recovery to bring vitality back to our urban core.


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2020 Campaign Report




This campaign aims to:

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It's easy and free to participate. Simply tell us what you’ve been up, display your support, and learn more about the campaign.


Supporting Partners


We're here to help.

Connect with our team directly with any questions or ideas for support. We'd love to hear from you!

Patrick Bannon | President  

Mike Ogliore | VP Events & Operations

Sandy Vo | Communications Manager

Mackenzie Ault | Marketing Coordinator