Knock Out Gardens
Date and Time for this Past Event
- Saturday, Mar 9, 2019 10 - 11:30 am
Bellevue Nursery
842 104th Ave SE
Knock Out Gardens – winning the war on water use with great plants and techniques
Taught by Marianne Binetti, radio host, author, columnist
Knock Out Gardens will inspire you to plant not just shrubs and perennials that will survive in our climate, but plants that make a knock out statement when grown together and that will also smother weeds and solve other landscape problems. Learn how to combine contrasting foliage in planting areas by creating stunning plant marriages and how short, shrubby plants can support taller specimens so you won't need to stake or tie up flowers; great ground covers to block weeds around shrub roses; and how to use trees and large shrubs already in your landscape as focal points for creating theme gardens with seasonal interest that will knock your socks off.
This is a free class.