The City Council this past Monday unanimously approved the draft Framework Plan for Sequence One of the Grand Connection. Around the table, the Council Members applauded City staff for their work and commended the community for its participation. The Framework moves the vision forward, and its adoption strongly indicates that City officials and staff are united to keep the momentum going.
The Framework is not a definitive project list or detailed implementation plan. It’s a guide that identifies opportunities and includes recommendations for the City to reference when it begins designing the Grand Connection. As for next steps in 2018, the City is looking to amend the Comprehensive Plan, update the Land Use Code, and create design guidelines.
The Grand Connection is a bold proposition to connect Meydenbauer Bay to the Eastside Rail Corridor with a non-motorized pathway. Using the 6th Street Pedestrian Corridor as the main spine, the project would expand and improve the experience with a seamless route. How about the crossing at I-405? That multimillion dollar question hasn’t been addressed yet. While Sequence One introduces three concepts (noted for context only), more information will be release about the crossing in the future.

Map from the City of Bellevue
The Bellevue Downtown Association will continue to track the progress of the Grand Connection and comment when appropriate. Click here to read the BDA letter supporting the draft Framework.
Are you a BDA Member who wants to participate in the Grand Connection process? Contact Matt Jack and request to be involved.