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Desired Outcomes

A list of results the BDA seeks from the implementation and long-term administration of the Curb Management Plan (CMP). These desired outcomes serve as benchmark for the BDA's evaluation of future curb projects and changing conditions that need to be addressed.

  1. Safe and efficient movement of people to and from the curbside with special care to protect pedestrians and other vulnerable users.
  2. Comfortable walking experience with improved connectivity to places and amenities.
  3. Biophilic urban design to separate pedestrians from vehicles and other curb conflicts.
  4. Quicker vehicle curbside turnover time to reduce the queue lengths and congestion impacts.
  5. Increase visits to street-level commercial businesses by reducing on-street parking times.
  6. Space for all modes to interact with the curbside without impeding throughput.
  7. Engages stakeholders to inform projects that repurpose curb spaces and track curb use changes; ensure alignment between the City, property managers, and tenants.
  8. More vibrant and appealing access experience to restaurants, retail, and open spaces.
  9. Enforcement personnel, resources, and infrastructure to resolve issues and deter infractions.
  10. Resources and permitting support to activate underutilized public spaces.
  11. Maintains schedules for transit, private shuttles, and school buses.
  12. Serves the demand for TNCs, freight and e-commerce without disrupting traffic flow.
  13. Dedicated curb spaces for single-ordered delivery and pick ups.
  14. Clear wayfinding for all modes, including ways to indicate spaces for special curb uses.
  15. Trash, recycle, and compost receptacles regularly maintained to avoid waste spillover.