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Endorsed Management Tools

The BDA Board endorsed the following management tools produced by the BDA Transportation Committee throughout its engagement with the City to produce the CMP. The BDA supports a CMP that uses these tools for maintaining an adaptive CMP. These endorsed tools will be weigh alongside the the BDA's desired outcomes as ways to track the City's implementation of the CMP during the pilot programs and beyond. 

Enforcement technology and personnel with protocols on how to report issues.
Maintaining order at the curb needs oversight with tools to monitor spaces and issue citations. Means for the public to report issues will also help swiftly resolve problems.

Regular feedback loop between the public and private sectors for adjusting management needs.
The management plan needs a structure that supports adaptability to emerging trends and issues. Communicating with stakeholders who rely on curb activity will help ensure the CMP is relevant.

Playbook for where to activate curb spaces.
Build awareness with businesses with operations at the curb or and rely on vibrant street-level experiences to attract customers. Create a playbook that shows a map of allowed uses, guides how to resolve issues, and outlines how to apply for permits to activate spaces with placemaking projects.

Public-private partnerships to address private right-of-way (ROW) management issues.
Privately-owned streets that create linkages to the public ROW should be considered in the Curb Typology scope. A public-private approach to managing privately-owned curb spaces creates the consistency needed for a successful CMP.

Connect with businesses operating curbside deliveries and pick ups.
Notifying freight, delivery, and TNC businesses about dedicated delivery and pick up zones will help drivers understand where they need to go.

Curbside zoning to organize uses.
Dedicating areas for curbside uses based on Curb Typology will optimize the movement of people and goods. The outcome should be to increase efficiency and safety.

Publish map of right-of-way (ROW) information.
Sharing details about the curbside ROW area will improve project planning and support placemaking initiatives that would benefit from knowing the ROW boundaries that dictate opportunities and limitations to activate space.

Schedule recurring audits of curb spaces and uses.
Maintaining an accurate inventory of the curb spaces and use trends supports the ability of the public and private sectors to respond to emerging issues. An annual update is preferred if feasible.